
Excellence in Accounting

Our strengths

Accell stands out from the competition for several reasons:

ACCELL's primary focus is to provide accounting and tax services as efficiently as possible to enable clients to focus on running their company while reducing costs and increasing their efficiency.


Our team of accountants is highly qualified and experienced, providing clients with expert advice and guidance on all aspects of their finances.

Personalized service

We take a personalized approach to customer service, tailoring our services to meet each customer's unique needs and goals.

Technology and innovation

We stay ahead of the times by incorporating the latest technology and software tools, increasing efficiency, and providing customers with more accurate and timely information.

Commitment to quality

Our commitment to quality and accuracy is evident in everything we do, and we are committed to ensuring our customers receive the highest level of service and support.


Our team of accountants is highly qualified and experienced,

Personalized service

Our team of accountants is highly qualified and experienced,

Technology and innovation

Our team of accountants is highly qualified and experienced,

Commitment to quality

Our team of accountants is highly qualified and experienced,

Accounting services

We offer a wide range of accounting services to help our clients manage their finances and achieve their business goals.

Tax services

Tax services for individuals and businesses of all sizes.

Our services

ACCELL offers professional services

ACCELL's expertise is accounting and tax services. Click on the box below to view the services.

Our Clients

Our loyal customers

Click on the box below to see our clients

Accell Blogs – Our Thoughts on Business and Technology

  • Qysh i ke punët me këta të ATK-së?

    Nisa të punoj si kontabiliste shumë e re në moshë, edhe pse vija nga një familje pa traditë në biznes. Duke qenë se familjarët e mi kishin profesione krejt të tjera, nuk e pata as edhe një person të vetëm ku të mbështetesha për t’u zhvilluar në profesion dhe për të ecur përpara në karrierë.…

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  • Qysh i ke punët me këta të ATK-së?

    Nisa të punoj si kontabiliste shumë e re në moshë, edhe pse vija nga një familje pa traditë në biznes. Duke qenë se familjarët e mi kishin profesione krejt të tjera, nuk e pata as edhe një person të vetëm ku të mbështetesha për t’u zhvilluar në profesion dhe për të ecur përpara në karrierë.…

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  • Një Shembull i Suksesit në Ndërtimin e Biznesit me Ushqime Tradicionale

    Në vitin 2016, në Prishtinë, u themelua Flizza. Kjo kompani u themelua nga një njeri i talentuar me një vizion të qartë. Ky është Skenderi, i cili vendosi të shpërblejë zakonet dhe ushqimet e trashëgimisë së tij me një frymë të re dhe inovacion. Skenderi kishte një ide të thjeshtë por të fuqishme: të rikthejë…

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Get in touch with us

“At Accell Accounting, we value your feedback and are always here to assist you with any questions or concerns. Whether you’re looking to schedule a consultation or just need help with a specific issue, our team of experts is ready to help.
